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Mama + 7 puppies at risk for EUTHANASIA

Updated: Jun 19

Immediate help needed!

UPDATE AS OF 6/19 @ 4:00 pm - MAMA MAEVE AND PUPPIES ARE SAFE! We have fosters for everyone!

As a foster-based rescue, we sometimes come across animals that are running out of time quickly, but if we don't find fosters, then we have no way of helping them. We were alerted to a mom and 7 puppies at a shelter that need fosters before they run out of time in a few days. The shelter said that they will have to find somewhere for them to go if we can’t find them fosters in the very near future. This concerns us as we don’t know who they will be given to or ultimately what will happen to them. As is common for municipal shelters, this shelter euthanizes for space, which is an added risk for this young family.

This mom and puppies need to find foster placements immediately, and as the puppies are no longer nursing, they can go to separate fosters. A local volunteer was able to take them from the shelter to get them vaccinated and socialization at a nearby vet program, but they are unable to keep them out of the shelter permanently. They have received the first of their vaccine series, are heartworm negative and are currently in a rural pound in Tennessee.

We do NOT leave moms behind! If we can’t find a foster for mom, then we can’t save the puppies either, which is sad, but ethical. So many times, puppies are saved by rescues, and moms are left behind because older or larger dogs are harder to find fosters for. We don’t want that to be the case for this sweet mama. With their time running out, we refuse to leave this mom behind.


When you foster with RARE we provide EVERYTHING including food, crates, leashes, medical and anything else needed!

There are 7 puppies - 4 boys, 3 girls.

Please fill out a foster application if you can help!


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