Adoption Process
Thank you for considering a RARE animal adoption! We're dedicated to matching you with the perfect pet. All adoptables are spayed/neutered, vaccinated, microchipped, and tested (FeLV/FIV for cats, heartworm for dogs over six months, with preventative care or treatment as needed).

Step 1. Interest Form
An Adoption Interest Form must be completed to start the Adoption Process.
It only takes a few minutes and allows us to know exactly what you are looking to adopt and the time, training, etc. you are willing to dedicate.
Some animals need more time than others.
*Please note adopters need to be at least 21 years of age.
Step 2. Let's Talk!
Once we receive your interest form, we will call you about the specific needs / wants of your family.
We will discuss if the animal you are interested in adopting would be the best fit, or if there are any other adoptable animals in our program that may be a better fit.
We will work with your schedule to set up a day and time for our President and/or Training Director to bring the adoptable animal(s) to your home that you are interested in meeting and potentially adopting....And maybe start an Adoption Trial! (See Step 4 for details)

Step 3. Let's Meet!
Home Introduction:
We are normally available for appointments every day (except Mondays) 12 Noon - 8:00 PM.
*Please note that ALL of the members of the household, human and non-human, need to be present at the Home Introduction.
How long will appointment take?
Some introductions take only 30 minutes to an hour; others may take up to two hours, depending on how many other animals are currently living in the home.
A proper introduction is key to avoiding altercations and provides safety for your family and our organization.
Adoption Resource Guide:
Prior to any home introduction appointment, we will provide you with an Adoption Resource Guide via email. This guide provides you with important information regarding what you should have prepared, what we will bring with us, food, crate size, training, and more!
*Note: For cats and kittens, we do allow potential adopters to visit our cattery AFTER submitting a Cat Adoption Interest Form and are approved to adopt.
Step 4. 30 Day Trial
A 30 day trial can start on the day of the home introduction, if your family and RARE agree that the adoptable would be a good potential fit.
We will bring the following to the home introduction:
*Folder containing medical records
*Any necessary medication (including heartworm prevention for that month),
*Food - at least 4 to 5 days of food that can be used to mix in with new food to avoid stomach upset.
Dog Food:
Nature's Select
Cat Food:
A combination of Purina Pro Plan, Nature's Select and other quality foods, depending on our food donations and resources at the time
***The Adoption Contract with the trial clause must be signed and any fees collected to start.***
Adoption Fee:
Your adoption fee is fully transferable to another adoptable if the 30-day trial is not a success.
We believe that it is important for you to be comfortable with the decision you are making to bring a pet into your home and that you are matched with the right adoptable.
Forever Return Policy:
If the adoption is a success, then we will consider the adoption final.
However, as part of our contract, if for any reason throughout the adoptee’s lifetime that you are unable to keep or care for them, they must be returned to RARE.
They cannot be sold, taken to a shelter or another rescue, or given away, even to a friend or a family member without contacting RARE.

What the Fee?!
Q: Why is there a fee to adopt an animal?
A: Not all animals that enter our program are in perfect health. Medical costs vary depending on the condition in which we find them. These ailments can include but are not limited to, heart-worm disease, broken limbs, urinary tract infections, luxating patellas, or any other injury that may require medical intervention. In addition to medical expenses, each animal receives spay/neuter, vaccines, de-worming, and is placed on heart-worm and flea and tick prevention if applicable. These adoption fees help ALL the animals in our program and aren't specific to each animal.
Q: Why are the adoption fees different for some animals?
A: Adoption fees vary depending on the animal's age, size, temperament, etc. The adoption fees make it possible for our organization continue to save more lives while providing care for ALL of the animals in our current programs.
Q: Why are shelter fees often lower than rescue fees?
A: We rescue from the most rural areas. This can include hoarding cases, animal neglect and cruelty, abandonment, rural municipal shelters with lack of space, and puppy mills. Often times these animals not only need medical care, but socialization and behavioral training which takes time and resources.
Q: Is my adoption fee refundable?
A: If within the 30 day trial period, the adoptable is returned, you have the option of meeting and starting a trial with a different adoptable OR receiving a refund of your adoption fee, less a nominal fee for incidentals.